This week, we talk about Joe's experience with the Five Four Club. We also discuss our weight loss, and what Kaleb did differently to lose a few more pounds this week. We also discuss the wonders of extra payments on a mortgage. Enjoy the episode!
This week, we discuss our weight loss. We then go off topic about various Studio Ghibli films, including Joe's recent experience with a small, art theater in Ogden. Joe discusses his favorite, and least favorite Ghibli films, and discusses the studio's recent financial hardships. Enjoy the episode!
This week, we discuss our weight loss in addition to our favorite films. We touch on the Aliens movies, The Silence of the Lambs, and Michael Bay. Enjoy!
This week, we discuss our weight loss. We touch on a ten dollar bet between Kaleb and a mutual friend Cameron. Joe goes on to discuss his science project; The great Beto's Breakfast Burrito. We find that it has way more calories than the My Fitness Pal app led us to believe. Joe also discusses his thoughs on Adderall. Enjoy!